Restaurant Pressure Washing IN Fairfax County VA

Fairfax County
TOP RATED Restaurant Pressure Washing


Professional drive-thru cleaning from ProWash NOVA will help to keep your drive-thru area looking its best. Professional pressure washing is a must for any high-traffic area to ensure that customers have trust in your business. 

As a business owner, be careful not to think that sending an employee outside to hose down your drive-thru once in a while is enough. Commercial establishments like yours need industrial-level cleaning to keep your premises sparkling.

At ProWash NOVA –  Pressure Washing, our professional washing process will get all the dirt and buildup off your drive-thru area that a simple hose will always leave behind.

Consumers are more cautious than ever when it comes to cleanliness. A dirty drive-through area can turn away customers and send them right toward your competitors. A clean drive-thru speaks volumes about the service customers can expect from your business.

Our process can remove even the toughest buildup to restore your drive-thru area to like-new condition. At ProWash NOVA –  Pressure Washing, we can:

How your drive-thru looks to customers is essential to how they view your business. A dirty drive-thru may send the unintended impression that your establishment does not have the best hygiene practices in place, inside or out.

Looks are not all we can improve for your drive-thru. We can also save you on your budget.


You’ll Save Money

Regular drive-thru cleaning can help remove algae, mold, and mildew that can cause rot and eat away at your surfaces, resuting in costly repairs. Removing mold, mildew, and algae to cut down on repairs is one way we can save you money.

Our thorough cleaning process can also unveil the need for repairs that may go unnoticed otherwise. Addressing problems early on can keep the cost of repairs down in the long run.


You’ll Save Time

At ProWash NOVA –  Pressure Washing, we use a commercial-grade pressure washer and cleaning products that will eat through the dirt quickly. We understand that commercial properties cannot just shut down for the day for cleaning, so we offer our commercial pressure-washing services 24/7 at hours most convenient to your business.


We can accommodate your schedule by providing you with drive-thru cleaning services during your “off times” for your business. Our quick, effective services can take place before you open or after you close. Whether you need us on weekends, weeknights, early morning hours, late evening hours, we can fit you in. In other words, we deliver our services on your schedule when it is convenient and will not interrupt your workflow.

With our state-of-the-art pressure-cleaning equipment, our highly trained technicians can have your drive-thru spotless, shiny clean, and ready for operation in a couple of hours. You can get right back to work.

Why Is Professional Drive-Thru Cleaning A Must?

Partnering with ProWash NOVA – Pressure Washing will ensure that you’ll always make the right impression with your customers, and they always will feel confident in your service. Call us at  703-568-5161 for your free estimate. We provide the best washing service in town, always delivered at the perfect time. Located in Springfield, we serve all of Fairfax County, Prince William County and NOVA.




Click A Box To Learn More About Each Service

Concrete Cleaning

It’s no secret that the concrete outdoor areas of a residential & commercial property can quickly become covered with dirt, and this is mainly owing to the high levels of traffic that these areas experience. From driveways to patios, and everything in between, we will restore your concrete area to its former glory in no time at all.


Dumpster Pads are dangerous if they are not cleaned. 1. Slip & falls from slippery grease. 2. Attract disease-carrying pests, 3. Customers are repulsed by dirty dumpster pads. This is where pressure washing comes in handy. We keep your surface CLEAN, SAFE & INVITING! So customer will keep coming back.


Professional drive-thru cleaning from ProWash NOVA - Pressure Washing will help to keep your drive-thru area looking its best. Professional pressure washing is a must for any high-traffic area to ensure that customers have trust in your business. Commercial establishments like yours need industrial-level cleaning to keep your premises sparkling.

We Want You To Know...


Super Awesome Benefits For You To Enjoy...

Fast Quotes

Affordable Prices

Licensed & Insured

100% Satisfaction

Warrantied Service


What Surfaces Can You Pressure Wash?

Any flat outdoor surface can be pressured washed, this includes driveways, pavers, patios, and decks. However, it is important to never pressure wash vertical surfaces or those which are of a delicate nature such as house walls and roofs. Doing so runs the risk of causing irreparable damage and the materials may have to be completely replaced. Delicate surfaces should be “softwashed” so the high pressure from pressure washing does not damage the material. 

How Often Is Pressure Washing Needed?

For residential properties with an average level of traffic and exposure to the weather, pressure washing may need to be done on an annual basis although if dirt appears more frequently, the job can be done as needed. Good general maintenance will help you to avoid the need for multi[ple pressure washing episodes each year.

How Do You Price Pressure Washing?

Many pressure washing services charge on a varying basis but our Vancouver WA pressure washing charges by the square meter. We will measure the area to determine the size and calculate the number of square meters that the area covers. Our price will reflect this figure.


Restuarant Pressure Washing

Storefront Washing

Parking Lot Cleaning

Gutter Cleaning